- Does your work involve cell counting & PCR?
- New Zealand honey in Takayama
- Amitraz Resistance Update
- International PCR day specials
- An interview with Dr Henry Erlich
- Visiting the original PCR
- Working with A Lighter Touch
- PCR testing in beer: preventing your customers from drinking a ‘dud’ beer.
- Is your centrifuge off balance?
- Lake Sinai Virus in bees
- Help us donate to New Zealand’s Endangered Species Foundation.
- The Foster Method: published in The Journal of Apiculture Research
- Latest Situation & Outlook for Primary Industries
- What if my business used PCR testing?
- The development of the Foster Method for AFB testing
- John’s thoughts on the Honeybee Symposium & ApiNZ Conference
- Honeybee Symposium & Apiculture Conference
- qPCR meeting in Germany
- Upcoming Quantabio webinar: introducing next generation of PCR amplification technology
- So many types of milk…..
- Vale Dr Nick Wong
- Apiculture NZ report honey yields to have dropped significantly
- Increase in disease for beehives ‘concerning’ as more than 3000 destroyed in one year
- Kiwi Ingenuity: Bigger is not Necessarily Better at Solving Complex Scientific Problems
- Watch – how to swab your hive for the Foster American Foulbrood (AFB) method
- Two new beer tests available now & some thoughts …..
- Using the BMS Myra for repetitive pipetting …
- Snap!
- Are Kiwis paying too much for a pre-departure COVID test?
- What is the Foster Method?
- We’re now recycling Integra/Viaflo tip cases
- DeNovix Spectrophotometer/ Fluorometer Promotion (DS-11FX)*
- COVID-19 testing – Extraction-free COVID-19 detection with Quantabio’s RT-qPCR ToughMixes
- New Test Kit Simplifies AFB Sampling
- Saliva testing for COVID-19
- qPCR inventor and his NZ connection
- Covid-19 News & our involvement
- PRESS RELEASE – dnature secures HRC funding for a 15 minute DNA diagnostic test for COVID-19
- RNZ interview with John Mackay on COVID-19 testing
- Covid-19, the Mic & Myra in action
- The solution (of your primers)
- Launch of Milk & Dairy DNA testing
- This PCR is extremely Wittwer
- Killing that DNA
- World famous in Gisborne
- Press Release – New tool in the fight against the spread of Mycoplasma bovis in the beef & dairy industries
- Institute of Fundamental Sciences receive their DeNovix
- I have ‘what’ in my sample?