International PCR day specials

It’s International PCR Day (and yes, it’s not really a thing but we at dnature have decided that it should be, so it is!), so we have put together a list of PCR reagents that for the 9th & 10th of September, 2024 that have 41% off. Why 41%? Well, Kary Mullis had the first PCR attempt moment 41 years ago so it makes sense.

These specials are only valid for the two days and are GST & freight exclusive.

Standard Taq (enzyme alone) ?                  01-01-KIT-00500            FIREPol DNA Polymerase NOW $124

Hotstart (enzyme alone) ? 01-02-KIT-00500            HOT FIREPol® DNA Polymerase. NOW $159

Standard PCR (all-in-one mastermix, including gel loading dye)

Very fast run times 24-02-00001   SolisFAST® Master Mix, Ready To Load, 250 x 20uL reactions

NOW $163

High fidelity PCR ? Long length PCR? NGS library amplification?

95200-025         repliQa HiFi ToughMix, 25 reactions NOW $56

Fast cDNA synthesis 95217-025         qScript Ultra SuperMix, 25 reactions NOW $201

T&C’s: These prices are only for September 9 & 10, 2024 and do not include GST or freight and are only available for New Zealand customers.

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