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5x HOT FIREPol® EvaGreen® qPCR Supermix
A 5X optimised ready-to-use solution for dye-based real-time quantitative PCR assays. This master mix has been developed to give highly specific and sensitive results and demonstrates excellent performance with GC-rich regions. A mix for dye-based qPCR detection and quantitation of target DNA sequences using EvaGreen® dye and SYBR®/FAM channel of most real-time qPCR instruments.
The Mix contains HOT FIREPol® DNA Polymerase and a passive internal reference dye that is compatible with most qPCR cyclers including no ROX and low ROX* reference signal requiring platforms.
Routine storage: -20oC
Temporary storage for up to 1 month at room temperature has no detrimental effects on the quality of HOT FIREPol® EvaGreen® qPCR Supermix.
* IMPORTANT UPDATE! HOT FIREPol® EvaGreen® qPCR Supermix is not compatible with high ROX cyclers such as Applied BioSystems® StepOne™ or StepOnePlus™