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A genomic DNA extraction maxiprep kit optimized for genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA purification from plant tissue.
The Genomic DNA Maxi Kit (Plant) is a genomic DNA extraction maxiprep kit optimized for genomic DNA, mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA purification from plant tissue. This DNA extraction kit processes plant samples by grinding in liquid nitrogen followed by lysis buffer incubation. The lysate is treated with RNase A then filtered to remove cell debris and salt precipitates. In the presence of the binding buffer, coupled with chaotropic salt, genomic DNA in the lysate binds to the glass fiber matrix of the maxiprep spin column. Contaminants are removed using a Wash Buffer (containing ethanol) and the purified genomic DNA is eluted by a low salt Elution Buffer, TE or water. DNA phenol extraction or alcohol precipitation is not required, and the entire procedure can be completed in less than 50 minutes.
PCR, Real-time PCR, Southern Blotting and RFLP