Quantabio PerfeCTa® qPCR ToughMix™, 5000 x 20 µl reactions


A 2X concentrated ready-to-use reaction cocktail for PCR amplification of DNA templates that overcomes many known inhibitors of PCR often present in crude samples

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Product Details

PerfeCTa® qPCR ToughMix™ is a 2X concentrated ready-to-use reaction cocktail for PCR amplification of DNA templates that overcomes many known inhibitors of PCR often present in crude samples extracted from environmental specimens, plant tissues, or animal tissues. It is a versatile and robust real-time qPCR reagent that provides maximum sensitivity and PCR efficiency with a variety of fluorogenic probe chemistries, including TaqMan® hydrolysis probes.

PerfeCTa® qPCR ToughMix™ contains all required reaction components, except primers, probe(s), and DNA template. The light blue color of the AccuVue™ tracer dye simplifies reaction assembly in white, or clear, plates and helps to minimize pipetting or mixing errors. It does not interfere with qPCR performance or affect the stability of the product.

A key component of PerfeCTa® qPCR ToughMix™ is an ultra pure, highly processive thermostable DNA polymerase that is combined with high avidity monoclonal antibodies. This proprietary polymerase mix is highly resistant to PCR inhibitors and provides an extremely stringent automatic hot-start allowing reaction assembly, and temporary storage, at room temperature prior to PCR amplification. PerfeCTa® qPCR ToughMix™ delivers exceptional performance with either fast or conventional PCR cycling protocols.

Features & Benefits

  • 2x concentrated reagents minimize pipetting steps, simplify reaction assembly and improve accuracy
  • ToughMix reagent technology neutralizes a broad spectrum of PCR inhibitors common in plant and animal tissues, environmental sources, clinical specimens and complex food matrices
  • Superior assay sensitivity and specificity with ultrapure AccuStart II enzyme technology – maximum-yielding Taq DNA polymerase mutant controlled by stringent, multi-epitope antibody hot start
  • Easy-to-use 2x concentrated master mixes with AccuVue plate loading dye and optimized passive reference dye for simplified reaction setup
  • Supports efficient vortex mixing with proprietary anti-foaming technology


  • 2X reaction buffer containing optimised concentrations of MgCl2, dNTPs (dATP, dCTP, dGTP, dTTP), AccuFast Taq DNA Polymerase, AccuVue visualiser and stabilisers.

Shipping & Storage

Store components in a constant temperature freezer at -25°C to -15°C protected from light upon receipt.
Repeated freezing and thawing does not affect PCR performance.

Can be couriered on blue ice.