Quantabio qScript® Flex cDNA Synthesis Kit, 100 x 20 µl reactions


The kit provides optimized, flexible components for priming with oligo-dT(20), random hexamers, gene-specific primer (GSP), or any combination thereof.

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Product Details

The qScript Flex cDNA Synthesis Kit is configured in separate components for supporting multiple RT priming strategies. The kit provides optimized, flexible components for priming with oligo-dT(20), random hexamers, gene-specific primer (GSP), or any combination thereof. This unique 5X master mix of buffer, magnesium, stabilizers and dNTPs simplifies reaction assembly and ensures robust and reproducible synthesis of first strand product from 10 pg to 4 µg of total RNA or purified polyA+ RNA template. The resulting cDNA product is directly compatible with current real-time RT-PCR methods or end-point RT-PCR. Length of cDNA product is dependent upon priming strategy and quality of the RNA template. Oligo dT or GSP can be used for two-step RT-PCR of RNA targets up to 12 kb. Random primer is suitable for RT-PCR of RNA targets less than 1 kb. Any of the three priming methods are suitable for real-time quantitative RT PCR (RT-qPCR).

Features & Benefits

  • Separate components for user-defined RT priming method, (oligo-dT, random hexamer, or GSP)
  • Highly sensitive first-strand cDNA synthesis of RNA sequences ≤ 12 kb for quantitative and conventional two-step RT-PCR
  • Broad linear dynamic detection range with limiting (10 pg) or plentiful (4 ug) total RNA samples
  • Maximize cDNA yield with proprietary Priming Enhancer additive


  • qScript Flex Reaction Mix, 5X concentrated solution of optimized reaction buffer, magnesium, dNTP blend, proprietary stabilizers and additives
  • Oligo dT(20), 10X concentrated with Priming Enhancer
  • Random Primer, 10X concentrated with Priming Enhancer
  • Priming Enhancer, 10X concentrated
  • Stabilized qScript Reverse Transcriptase with ribonuclease inhibitor protein (RIP)
  • Nuclease-free water

Shipping & Storage

Store components in a constant temperature freezer at -25°C to -15°C upon receipt. After thawing, mix thoroughly before using.