Small DNA Fragments Extraction Kit 4 Preps


Small DNA Fragments Extraction Kit 4 Preps

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Product Details

The Small DNA Fragments Extraction Kit is a Gel Extraction Kit & PCR Cleanup Kit in one convenient system optimised to recover or concentrate 40-200 bp DNA fragments from agarose gel, PCR, or other enzymatic reactions. For processing 70 bp-10 kb DNA fragments, the Gel/PCR DNA Fragments Extraction Kit is also available and processing 10-50 kb DNA fragments, the Presto™ Max Gel/PCR Kit is also available.

 Chaotropic salt is used to dissolve agarose gel and denature enzymes. DNA fragments in the chaotropic salt are bound by the glass fibre matrix of the spin column. Contaminants are removed with a Wash Buffer (containing ethanol) and the purified DNA fragments are eluted by a low salt Elution Buffer, TE or water. Salts, enzymes and unincorporated nucleotides can be effectively removed from the reaction mixture without phenol extraction or alcohol precipitation. Typically, recoveries are up to 90% for Gel Extraction and up to 95% for PCR Cleanup. The eluted DNA is ready for use in PCR, Fluorescent or Radioactive Sequencing, Restriction Enzyme Digestion, DNA Labelling and Ligation.

  • Purify small DNA in as little as 10 minutes
  • Up to 95% recovery of small DNA fragments
  • Optimized for 40 bp–200 bp DNA fragment recovery
  • Sample Size: up to 300 mg (agarose gel slice), up to 100 μl (PCR products)
  • Spin Columns: glass fibre membrane optimized for both gel extraction and PCR cleanup of small DNA fragments
  • Elution Volume: 20-50 µl
  • Store: dry at room temperature (15-25ºC) for up to 1 year without showing any reduction in performance

Fluorescent and Radioactive Sequencing, PCR, Restriction Enzyme Digestion, DNA Labelling and Ligation

  • SD Buffer
  • W1 Buffer
  • Wash Buffer
  • Elution Buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, pH8.5 at 25°C)
  • SD Columns
  • 2 ml Collection Tubes
  • Applications