SoliSD™ Lyo-compatible RT-LAMP Kit (custom sizes)

32-03-0000 custom

RT-LAMP Kit based on the Glycerol-Free SoliSD™ Bsm DNA Polymerase – all enzymes are compatible with freeze- and/or air-drying and contain the patented Stability TAG.

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Product Details

SoliSD™ Glycerol-Free Bsm DNA Polymerase is based on the Large Fragment of the DNA Polymerase from the genus Bacillus smithii with functional similarity to other Bst and Bsm DNA polymerases. Implemented Stability TAG technology [1] ensures incredible stability for at least 1 month at 37°C. The enzyme has a strong strand displacement DNA polymerase activity and lacks 5’→3’ and 3’→5’ exonuclease activities.

SoliSD™ Lyo-compatible RT-LAMP Kit is provided in a 5-vial format, where composition gives flexibility for developing your own isothermal amplification assay.


  • SoliSD™ Glycerol-Free Bsm DNA Polymerase (40 U/μl)
  • 300x RT Mix (FIREScript®; SOLIScript®; RiboGrip®)
  • 10x RT-LAMP Reaction Buffer (200 mM Tris-HCl; 150 mM (NH4)2SO4; 1% Tween-20; 250 mM KCl; additives)
  • 100 mM MgSO4
  • 10x GC-rich Enhancer
  • NB: dNTP’s are required separately – order here

Storage & Shipping

Store at -20 °C with shipping on ice bricks